ARCA - Museum of Contemporary Religious Art

Piazza Santa Maria La Nova 44. (Open Map)


Since 2006, at the historic Monumental Complex of Santa Maria La Nova in Naples, the Association “Oltre il Chiostro onlus”has set up the ARCA Museum (ARCA stands for Contemporary Religious Art). After the successful start of sectors in the Museums and Libraries, in 2008 the ARCA museum has become a museum of regional interest. The ARCA Museum, which has been a member of ICOM and AMEI since 2009, “Oltre il Chiostro onlus” aims to go beyond the classic concept of a museum display, with the aim of making contemporary interactions with artistic production of our time. It is divided into seven different locations in the ex-convent building and collects religious pieces of contemporary art from 1949 to date, made by national and international artists. The collection currently includes 113 works from 79 artists. In the interior setting of the Monumental Church of St. Maria La Nova (XV century), the Artists are confronted with the theme of the religious quest from a inter-religion perspective. Recently, they have launched a partnership with the AAPN Permanente Center for Research and Studies on the Neapolitan Nativity to create a section entirely dedicated to the crib.